In performance of everyday routine work, our drivers, dispatchers, engineering and management personnel, as well as other employees who work directly with vehicles and provide services, are responsible for both passengers and their own life and health.
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Customer focused
Our company's work is based on the desire to understand and fully meet needs of each customer. We value time and financial resources of our customers as much as our own, so we guarantee high quality of transport services provided.
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Ecological mindfulness
One of the most important and global goals is to preserve ecosystem of our planet. We realize importance of this problem, so we take measures that contribute to the environment preservation and help to take care of it.
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One of the priorities in our development is implementation of modern digital technologies. By automating business processes, we optimize our work, maintain high level of safety, reduce the cost of services and ensure full transparency in customer relationships.
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Training center
Licensed Service Integrator training center was created for advanced training and professional retraining of managers and experts in various fields.
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